"GREEN ECONOMY" – may be a new word. We ought to think over the creation of the system through which productive energy can be cycling and bring it into rotation. Sustainable Green Economy is a wonderful eco-friendly system. National development is being suffocated due to our thoughtless mentality and undeveloped administrative system. Whatever the existing development there are, it is due to adventure & insight of Indian people. A deep insightfulness regarding Green Economy has been created in America and other countries.

America remains at top level in this sector through research & technology.

Let us comprehend the objective of Four "E"

  1. We need greenery & environment (Environment)
  2. We need national economic benefit (Economy)
  3. We need employment for our people (Employment)
  4. We Need to maintain the national demands (Ecology)

These four needs may define as ‘Ecological Preservation System’ (EPS). The fundamental element to maintain EPS is included in the large demand of nation for wood which has been proved through study and results. Let us understand the same in detail.

Wood is the only alternative to catch up carbon and to resist Global Warming. The act is undergoing to destruct human-being and animal of the world by mixing up more and more carbon into atmosphere through excessive usage of plastic, steel, cement, chemical etc. or the useless craze for invention of alternative of wood. If the researches through laboratories may be made with regard to increase wood-base usage and develop more types of trees that produce wood, and contemplation of wood production may bring by the farmers through Agro Tree Farming Concept, so environment will be enhanced till the tree grow up and carbon will be remained catch up simultaneously. If this rotation system may apply, Carbon will be remained catch up in the produced trees and it usages. So, the more dangerous problem of Global Warming will be solved automatically.

First – Complete compromise for environmental activists will create

Second – Since wood is a natural productive source, it will strengthen national economy at a very low expense

Three – An employment will create for the literate and illiterate people of India

Fourth - Nation’s large demand of wood will maintain and it will become self-reliant

Now, the time has come up. The wood will take place in the human life or it has to take place. It will be advertised and government will be joined in the same campaign. Those buildings will be awarded for maximum usage of wood. The architects and engineers will also be honored for the design that consumes more wood. The people, who utilize wooden furniture in their homes, such approach will be considered as service to the world of human being and animal. The wood will be identified as carbon stock. The grain will be provided out of ¼ lands. The scientists and countries like America, Europe, Germany and Korea understand these facts and hence the private forest system is executed in those countries. Therefore, the countries all over the world insist for Carbon Credit. India should also to join in this campaign so that in addition to Carbon Credit, the farmers and people will turn towards more tree farming due to high income of wooden products by tree. Thus, no results will be achieved only through Urban Tree Plantation and lectureship.

Social Forestry System of Forest Department, Gujarat Government, was factual and leading to development. The same system has been accepted as ‘GREEN ECONOMY’ and boosts it up by ‘TARU’ Gujarat State, wherein there is low ratio of rain, was remained on top position by 158% production of timber and export to other states and foreign countries. But, at present it remains backward in comparison of other States. There is a nominal production of Building Wood. If the system of ‘TARU’ may adopt, Gujarat State itself will able to cope up with the same. A big loss has been occurred to the development and environment due to negative mentality that related to protection of tree. The Green Economy concept could be the best and the right alternative to reduce the impact on the jungle.

As soon as this project is implemented sooner the government had treated grain, vegetable, cotton, sugarcane etc. crops as agro product and after making grant agenda with through research, movement, motivation self-reliance has been achieved. In the same way if the wood growing had be treated as apart of Agro product, there might be tree farming in India 50% of the land. There are inclusions of Environment, Stability of Nation and also answer of Global Warming too. Up to how much extent, one Organisation can motivate? Even though view the greenery of like Kheda-Anand Districts. Everyone is engaged in negative publicity. Only “TARU” has opined so and started to act upon the same. Although ‘Green Economy’ is a very intensive subject, it has narrated in brief. “TARU” requested to you to join and send your ideas.

Green Economy Concept Is a Right Answer for Global Warming